Honey Australia
Our Mission
To produce the finest Australian honey for the world and adopt sustainable bee farming practices where possible
Our Story
Honey Australia produces the finest honeys and products. From humble beginnings in regional NSW 25 years ago with one store, we now supply over 500 tons of honey to retailers & distributors in Australia, Asia, Europe, UK, Middle East & USA. Our brand portfolio includes Honey Australia, BeePower and BeeCare.
Sustainable Keepers & Hives
Our Raw Organic Honey, collected from hives around Central West NSW is unpasteurised, unprocessed and unfiltered, retaining the full natural goodness raw honey has to offer! The relationship with our passionate beekeepers is paramount to ensure we get the best pour and is served across the globe.
Manuka & Organic Honey
Honey Australia actively promotes Australian Manuka honey meticulously sourced from Australia’s pristine coastline forests and bushland from the highly sought-after Leptospermum Manuka flower. We also source Manuka from New Zealand, Organic and Manuka honey represents more than 60% of our business and we are focussed on driving and growing this market by promoting the benefits of organic and Manuka honey to consumers which supports the sustainable bee farming community.
With real honey, such as the 100% natural, certified organic, raw and unfiltered honey from Honey Australia, crystallisation happens naturally and spontaneously, and has no negative effects on the honey itself – in fact, it helps to preserve the nutrients and quality. Some honeys crystallise uniformly, becoming a completely solid mass, while others only become partially crystallised with either large crunchy particles or tiny bubbly ones. Seasonal, weather and regional differences, along with nectar and pollen sources, will all affect honey’s taste, texture and colour.
Product Innovation
Honey Australia continues explore new product innovation to provide the highest quality and most innovative honey products with creations such as: BeePower pollen and eucalyptus honey fusion and super high grade Manuka Honey. Gourmet flavoured honey including chilli, ginger, cinnamon, lavender and much more, leading product innovation in the honey industry.
Our Certifications
Honey Australia is certified under the rigorous international standards of HACCP the international standard defining the requirements for effective control of food safety. B Safe, is our honey HACCP accreditation.
Honey Australia is accredited with Australia Certified Organic (ACO) and is now supplies 100% natural pure GMO free organic honey .
The organic certification is a rigorous process which requires the implementation of an organic certification program. Attaining and maintaining Australian Certified Organic (ACO) certification demands adherence to a strict quality control program from beehive to bottling.
Organic certification involves a program of audits by qualified certifiers who personally visit all bee sites, checking the beehives that are situated in dense national parks away from crops and wineries to ensure no sprays or chemicals affect the hives – bees travel to.